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department of administrative services

Division of Professional Regulation

2100 Board of Optometry

Statutory Authority: 24 Delaware Code, Section 2104(a)(1) (24 Del.C. §2104(a)(1)) 24 DE Admin. Code 2100



After due notice in the Register of Regulations and two Delaware newspapers, a public hearing was held on December 16, 2004 at a scheduled meeting of the Delaware Board of Examiners in Optometry to receive comments regarding proposed Regulation 14.0. The proposed regulation identifies crimes substantially related to the practice of optometry as mandated by SB 229 enacted by the 142nd General Assembly. The proposed regulation was published in the Register of Regulations, Vol. 8, Issue 5, November 1, 2004.


Under Title 24, Chapter 21, one of the qualifications for licensure is that the applicant shall submit evidence that the applicant “has not engaged in any of the acts or offenses that would be grounds for disciplinary action under this chapter and has no disciplinary proceedings or unresolved complaints pending against him or her in any jurisdiction where the applicant has previously been or is currently licensed.” 24 Del.C. §2107(a)(4), 24 Del.C. §2113(a)(8), as amended by SB 229 provides that a licensee shall be subject to disciplinary action set forth §2114 if, after a hearing the Board finds that the optometrist “has been convicted of a crime that is substantially related to the practice of optometry. ‘Substantially related’ means the nature of the criminal conduct, for which the person was convicted, has a direct bearing on the fitness or ability to perform one or more of the duties or responsibilities necessarily related to the practice of optometry. A copy of the record of conviction certified by the clerk of the court entering the conviction shall be conclusive evidence therefore.” §2133 (a)(8).

The Board’s authority to promulgate rules and regulations implementing or clarifying specific sections of Chapter 21 is set forth in 24 Del.C. §2104. The proposed regulation specifically identifies those crimes which are substantially related to the practice of optometry.

Summary Of The Evidence

No written comments were received. No public comment was received at the December 16, 2004 hearing.

Findings of Fact with Respect to the Evidence and Information Submitted

The Board carefully reviewed and considered the crimes presented as a compilation of crimes extracted from the Delaware Code. The overarching concern of the Board was the safety of the public since the licensed practitioners work in close physical proximity, and have direct physical contact, with the individuals they treat while performing optometric services. An optometrist’s patients may also include children and the elderly who are vulnerable to undue influence or other forms of abuse. An optometrist has access to confidential patient records, billing and health insurance records. In addition, therapeutically certified optometrists have prescriptive authority for those pharmaceutical agents specified by statute.

The “primary objective” of the Board of Examiners in Optometry, to which all other objectives and purposes are secondary, is to protect the general public, specifically those persons who are the direct recipients of services regulated by this chapter, from unsafe practices and from occupational practices which tend to reduce competition or fix the price of services rendered” 24 Del.C. §2100. The Board finds that the crimes in the proposed rule are substantially related to fitness or ability to perform 1 or more of the duties and responsibilities of an optometrist in that they involve: the use of physical violence or force, or the threat thereof, toward or upon the person of another; dishonesty, or false or fraudulent conduct; mistreatment or abuse of children, the elderly or animals; offenses against the public administration including but not limited to bribery and perjury; offenses against public health, order and decency; offenses which evidence a lack of appropriate concern for the safety and well being of another person or persons in general demonstrating sufficiently flawed judgment to call into question the individuals ability to make or advise upon health care related matters for other individuals; and offenses involving the illegal possession or the misuse or abuse of narcotics, or other addictive substances and those non-addictive substances with a substantial capacity to impair reason or judgment.

In summary, the Board finds that adopting regulation 14.0 as proposed is in the best interest of the citizens of the State of Delaware and is necessary to protect the health and safety of the general public, particularly the recipients of optometric services.

Decision And Effective Date

The Board hereby adopts the changes to Regulation 14.0 to be effective 10 days following publication of this order in the Register of Regulations.

Text And Citation

The text of the revised rule remains as published in Register of Regulations, Vol. 8, Issue 5, November 1, 2004, and as attached hereto as Exhibit A.

SO ORDERED this 16th day of December, 2004.


Carl Maschauer, O.D., President, Professional Member

Sonja P. Biddle, O.D., Professional Member

Allan S. Tocker, O.D., Professional Member

Ruth Banta, Public Member

Nichole Anderson, Public Member

2100 Board of Optometry

14.0 Crimes substantially related to the practice of optometry:

14.1 Conviction of any of the following crimes, or of the attempt to commit or of a conspiracy to commit or conceal or of solicitation to commit any of the following crimes, is deemed to be substantially related to the practice of optometry in the State of Delaware without regard to the place of conviction:

14.1.1 Aggravated menacing. 11 Del.C. §602 (b)

14.1.2 Reckless endangering in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §604

14.1.3 Abuse of a pregnant female in the second degree. 11 Del.C. §605.

14.1.4 Abuse of a pregnant female in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §606.

14.1.5 Assault in the third degree. 11 Del.C. §611.

14.1.6 Assault in the second degree. 11 Del.C. §612

14.1.7 Assault in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §613.

14.1.8 Abuse of a sports official; felony. 11 Del.C. §614.

14.1.9 Assault by abuse or neglect. 11 Del.C. §615.

14.1.10 Terroristic threatening; felony. 11 Del.C. §621.

14.1.11 Unlawfully administering drugs. 11 Del.C. §625.

14.1.12 Unlawfully administering controlled substance or counterfeit substance or narcotic drugs. 11 Del.C. §626

14.1.13 Vehicular assault in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §629.

14.1.14 Vehicular homicide in the second degree. 11 Del.C. §630.

14.1.15 Vehicular homicide in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §630A.

14.1.16 Criminally negligent homicide. 11 Del.C. §631.

14.1.17 Manslaughter. 11 Del.C. §632.

14.1.18 Murder by abuse or neglect in the second degree. 11 Del.C. §633

14.1.19 Murder by abuse or neglect in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §634.

14.1.20 Murder in the second degree; class A felony. 11 Del.C. §635.

14.1.21 Murder in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §636.

14.1.22 Promoting suicide. 11 Del.C. §645.

14.1.23 Abortion. 11 Del.C. §651.

14.1.24 Incest. 11 Del.C. §766.

14.1.25 Unlawful sexual contact in the second degree. 11 Del.C. §768.

14.1.26 Unlawful sexual contact in the first degree. 11 Del.C. § 769.

14.1.26 Rape in the fourth degree. 11 Del.C. §770.

14.1.27 Rape in the third degree. 11 Del.C. §771.

14.1.28 Rape in the second degree. 11 Del.C. §772.

14.1.29 Rape in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §773.

14.1.30 Sexual extortion. 11 Del.C. §776.

14.1.31 Bestiality. 11 Del.C. §777.

14.1.32 Continuous sexual abuse of a child. 11 Del.C. §778.

14.1.33 Dangerous crime against a child. 11 Del.C. §779.

14.1.34 Female genital mutilation. 11 Del.C. §780.

14.1.35 Unlawful imprisonment in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §782.

14.1.36 Kidnapping in the second degree. 11 Del.C. §783.

14.1.37 Kidnapping in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §783A.

14.1.38 Arson in the third degree. 11 Del.C. §801.

14.1.39 Arson in the second degree. 11 Del.C. §802.

14.1.40 Arson in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §803.

14.1.41 Criminal mischief. 11 Del.C. §811.

14.1.42 Burglary in the third degree. 11 Del.C. §824.

14.1.43 Burglary in the second degree. 11 Del.C. §825.

14.1.44 Burglary in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §826.

14.1.45 Possession of burglar’s tools or instruments facilitating theft. 11 Del.C. §828.

14.1.46 Robbery in the second degree. 11 Del.C. §831.

14.1.47 Robbery in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §832.

14.1.48 Carjacking in the second degree. 11 Del.C. §835.

14.1.49 Carjacking in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §836.

14.1.50 Shoplifting; felony. 11 Del.C. §840.

14.1.51 Use of illegitimate retail sales receipt or Universal Product Code Label; felony. 11 Del.C. §840A.

14.1.52 Extortion. 11 Del.C. §846.

14.1.53 Use, possession, manufacture, distribution and sale of unlawful telecommunication and access devices; felony. 11 Del.C. §850.

14.1.54 Receiving stolen property; felony. 11 Del.C. §851

14.1.55 Identity theft. 11 Del.C. §854.

14.1.56 Possession of shoplifters tools or instruments facilitating theft. 11 Del.C. §860.

14.1.57 Forgery; felony; misdemeanor 11 Del.C. §861.

14.1.58 Possession of forgery devices. 11 Del.C. §862.

14.1.59 Falsifying business records. 11 Del.C. §871.

14.1.60 Tampering with public records in the second degree 11 Del.C. §873.

14.1.61 Tampering with public records in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §876.

14.1.62 Offering a false instrument for filing. 11 Del.C. §877.

14.1.63 Issuing a false certificate. 11 Del.C. §878.

14.1.64 Issuing a bad check; felony. 11 Del.C. §900.

14.1.65 Unlawful use of credit card; felony. 11 Del.C. §903.

14.1.66 Reencoder and scanning devices. 11 Del.C. §903A.

14.1.67 Deceptive business practices. 11 Del.C. §906.

14.1.68 Criminal impersonation. 11 Del.C. §907.

14.1.69 Criminal impersonation, accident related. 11 Del.C. §907A.

14.1.70 Criminal impersonation of a police officer. 11 Del.C. §907B.

14.1.71 Securing execution of documents by deception. 11 Del.C. §909.

14.1.72 Fraudulent conveyance of public lands. 11 Del.C. §911.

14.1.73 Fraudulent receipt of public lands. 11 Del.C. §912.

14.1.74 Insurance fraud. 11 Del.C. §913.

14.1.75 Health care fraud. 11 Del.C. §913A.

14.1.76 Use of consumer identification information. 11 Del.C. §914.

14.1.77 Home improvement fraud. 11 Del.C. §916.

14.1.78 New home construction fraud. 11 Del.C. §917.

14.1.79 Unauthorized access. 11 Del.C. §932.

14.1.80 Theft of computer services. 11 Del.C. §933.

14.1.81 Interruption of computer services. 11 Del.C. §934.

14.1.82 Misuse of computer system information. 11 Del.C. §935.

14.1.83 Destruction of computer equipment. 11 Del.C. §936.

14.1.84 Dealing in children. 11 Del.C. §1100.

14.1.85 Abandonment of child. 11 Del.C. §1101.

14.1.86 Endangering the welfare of a child. 11 Del.C. §1102.

14.1.87 Endangering the welfare of an incompetent person. 11 Del.C. § 1105.

14.1.88 Sexual exploitation of a child. 11 Del.C. §1108.

14.1.89 Unlawfully dealing in child pornography. 11 Del.C. §1109.

14.1.90 Possession of child pornography. 11 Del.C. §1111.

14.1.91 Sexual offenders; prohibitions from school zones. 11 Del.C. §1112.

14.1.92 Sexual solicitation of a child. 11 Del.C. §1112A

14.1.93 Bribery. 11 Del.C. §1201

14.1.94 Receiving a bribe; class E felony. 11 Del.C. §1203.

14.1.95 Improper influence. 11 Del.C. §1207.

14.1.96 Official misconduct. 11 Del.C. §1211.

14.1.97 Perjury in the second degree. 11 Del.C. §1222.

14.1.98 Perjury in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §1223.

14.1.99 Making a false written statement. 11 Del.C. §1233.

14.1.100 Wearing a disguise during the commission of a felony. 11 Del.C. §239.

14.1.101 Terroristic threatening of public officials or public servants. 11 Del.C. §1240.

14.1.102 Hindering prosecution. 11 Del.C. §1244.

14.1.103 Falsely reporting an incident. 11 Del.C. §1245.

14.1.104 Abetting the violation of driver’s license restrictions. 11 Del.C. §1249.

14.1.105 Offenses against law-enforcement animals. Felony 11 Del.C. §1250.

14.1.106 Escape in the second degree. 11 Del.C. §1252.

14.1.107 Escape after conviction. 11 Del.C. §1253.

14.1.108 Assault in a detention facility. 11 Del.C. §1254.

14.1.109 Promoting prison contraband; felony; misdemeanor. 11 Del.C. §1256.

14.1.110 Use of an animal to avoid capture; felony 11 Del.C. § 1257A.

14.1.111 Misuse of prisoner mail; felony. 11 Del.C. §1260.

14.1.112 Bribing a witness. 11 Del.C. §1261.

14.1.113 Bribe receiving by a witness. 11 Del.C. §1262.

14.1.114 Tampering with a witness. 11 Del.C. §1263.

14.1.115 Interfering with child witness. 11 Del.C. §1263A.

14.1.116 Bribing a juror. 11 Del.C. §1264.

14.1.117 Bribe receiving by a juror. 11 Del.C. §1265.

14.1.118 Tampering with a juror. 11 Del.C. §1266.

14.1.119 Misconduct by a juror. 11 Del.C. §1267.

14.1.120 Tampering with physical evidence. 11 Del.C. §1269.

14.1.121 Riot. 11 Del.C. §1302.

14.1.122 Hate crimes; misdemeanor; felony. 11 Del.C. §1304.

14.1.123 Aggravated harassment. 11 Del.C. §1312.

14.1.124 Stalking. 11 Del.C. §1312A.

14.1.125 Cruelty to animals; felony. 11 Del.C. §1325.

14.1.126 Animals; fighting and baiting prohibited; felony. 11 Del.C. §1326.

14.1.127 Maintaining a dangerous animal; felony. 11 Del.C. §1327.

14.1.128 Abusing a corpse. 11 Del.C. §1332.

14.1.129 Trading in human remains and associated funerary objects. 11 Del.C. §1333.

14.1.129 Violation of privacy; misdemeanor; felony. 11 Del.C. §1335.

14.1.130 Bombs, incendiary devices, Molotov cocktails and explosive devices. 11 Del.C. §1338.

14.1.131 Adulteration. 11 Del.C. §1339.

14.1.132 Prostitution. 11 Del.C. §1342.

14.1.133 Patronizing a prostitute prohibited. 11 Del.C. §1343.

14.1.134 Promoting prostitution in the third degree. 11 Del.C. §1351.

14.1.135 Promoting prostitution in the second degree. 11 Del.C. §1352.

14.1.136 Promoting prostitution in the first degree. 11 Del.C. §1353.

14.1.137 Permitting prostitution. 11 Del.C. §1355.

14.1.138 Carrying a concealed deadly weapon. 11 Del.C. §1442.

14.1.139 Carrying a concealed dangerous instrument. 11 Del.C. §1443.

14.1.140 Possessing a destructive weapon. 11 Del.C. §1444.

14.1.141 Unlawfully dealing with a dangerous weapon. 11 Del.C. §1445.

14.1.142 Possession of a deadly weapon during commission of a felony. 11 Del.C. §1447.

14.1.143 Possession of a firearm during commission of a felony. 11 Del.C. §1447A.

14.1.144 Possession and purchase of deadly weapons by persons prohibited. 11 Del.C. §1448.

14.1.145 Criminal history record checks for sales of firearms; felony. 11 Del.C. §1448A.

14.1.146 Wearing body armor during commission of felony. 11 Del.C. §1449.

14.1.147 Receiving a stolen firearm. 11 Del.C. §1450.

14.1.148 Theft of a firearm. 11 Del.C. §1451.

14.1.149 Giving a firearm to person prohibited. 11 Del.C. §1454.

14.1.150 Engaging in a firearms transaction on behalf of another. 11 Del.C. §1455.

14.1.151 Unlawfully permitting a minor access to a firearm. 11 Del.C. §1456.

14.1.152 Possession of a weapon in a Safe School and Recreation Zone. 11 Del.C. §1457.

14.1.153 Removing a firearm from the possession of a law enforcement officer. 11 Del.C. §1458.

14.1.154 Possession of a weapon with a removed, obliterated or altered serial number. 11 Del.C. §1459.

14.1.155 Prohibited acts. cheating devices (a)-(e), second or subsequent offense. 11 Del.C. §1471.

14.1.156 Organized Crime and Racketeering. 11 Del.C. §1504.

14.1.157 Victim or Witness Intimidation 11 Del.C. §3532 & 3533.

14.1.158 Abuse, neglect, mistreatment or financial exploitation of residents or patients 16 Del.C. §1136(a), (b) and (c).

14.1.159 Prohibited acts A under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act. 16 Del.C. §4751(a), (b) and (c).

14.1.160 Prohibited acts B under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act. 16 Del.C. §4752(a) and (b).

14.1.161 Unlawful delivery of noncontrolled substance. 16 Del.C. §4752A.

14.1.162 Trafficking in marijuana, cocaine, illegal drugs, methamphetamines, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (L.S.D.), designer drugs, or 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). 16 Del.C. §4753A (a)(1)-(9).

14.1.163 Possession and delivery of noncontrolled prescription drug. 16 Del.C. §4754A.

14.1.164 Prohibited acts E under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act. 16 Del.C. §4755.(a)(1) and (2)

14.1.165 Prohibited acts under the Uniform Controlled Substances Act. 16 Del.C. §4756(a)(1)-(5) and (b).

14.1.166 Hypodermic syringe or needle; delivering or possessing; disposal; 16 Del.C. §4757.

14.1.167 Keeping drugs in original containers. 16 Del.C. §4758.

14.1.168 Distribution to persons under 21 years of age. 16 Del.C. § 4761.

14.1.169 Purchase of drugs from minors. 16 Del.C. §4761A

14.1.170 Distribution, delivery, or possession of controlled substance within 1,000 feet of school property; penalties; defenses. 16 Del.C. §4767

14.1.171 Distribution, delivery or possession of controlled substance in or within 300 feet of park, recreation area, church, synagogue or other place of worship. 16 Del.C. §4768

14.1.172 Drug paraphernalia. 16 Del.C. §4771 (a) and (b).

14.1.173 Possession, manufacture and sale, delivery to a minor and advertising of drug paraphernalia. 16 Del.C. §4774(a), (b), (c) (d)

14.1.174 Operation of a vessel or boat while under the influence of intoxicating liquor and/or drugs; third and fourth offenses. 23 Del.C. §2302(a) and §2305 (3) and (4).

14.1.175 Attempt to evade or defeat tax. 30 Del.C. §571.

14.1.176 Failure to collect or pay over tax. 30 Del.C. §572.

14.1.177 Failure to file return, supply information or pay tax. 30 Del.C. §573.

14.1.178 Fraud and false statements. 30 Del.C. §574.

14.1.179 Obtaining benefit under false representation. 31 Del.C. §1003.

14.1.180 Reports, statements and documents. 31 Del.C. §1004(1), (2), (3), (4), (5)

14.1.181 Kickback schemes and solicitations. 31 Del.C. §1005.

14.1.182 Conversion of payment. 31 Del.C. §1006.

14.1.183 Unlawful possession or manufacture of proof of insurance. 21 Del.C. §2118A.

14.1.184 Temporary registration violations related to providing false information. 21 Del.C. §2133(a) (1)-(3).

14.1.185 False statements. 21 Del.C. §2315.

14.1.186 Altering or forging certificate of title, manufacturer’s certificate of origin, registration card, vehicle warranty or certification sticker or vehicle identification plate. 21 Del.C. §2316.

14.1.187 False statements; incorrect or incomplete information. 21 Del.C. §2620.

14.1.188 License to operate a motorcycle, motorbike, etc. 21 Del.C. §2703.

14.1.189 Issuance of a Level 1 Learner’s Permit and Class D operator’s license to persons under 18 years of age. 21 Del.C. §2710.

14.1.190 Unlawful application for or use of license or identification card. 21 Del.C. §2751.

14.1.191 False statements. 21 Del.C. §2752.

14.1.192 Driving vehicle while license is suspended or revoked. 21 Del.C. §2756.

14.1.193 Duplication, reproduction, altering, or counterfeiting of driver’s licenses or identification cards. 21 Del.C. §2760(a) and (b).

14.1.194 Driving after judgment prohibited. 21 Del.C. §2810.

14.1.195 False statements. 21 Del.C. §3107.

14.1.196 Driving a vehicle while under the influence or with a prohibited alcohol content. 21 Del.C. §4177 (3) and (4).

14.1.197 Duty of driver involved in accident resulting in injury or death to any person. 21 Del.C. §4202.

14.1.198 Duty to report accidents; evidence. 21 Del.C. §4203.

14.1.199 Possession of motor vehicle master keys, manipulative keys, key-cutting devices, lock picks or lock picking devices and hot wires. 21 Del.C. §4604(a).

14.1.200 Tampering with vehicle. 21 Del.C. §6703.

14.1.201 Receiving or transferring stolen vehicle. 21 Del.C. §6704.

14.1.202 Removed, falsified or unauthorized identification number on vehicle, bicycle or engine; removed or affixed license/registration plate with intent to misrepresent identity. 21 Del.C. §6705(a)-(e).

14.1.203 Possession of blank title; blank registration card; vehicle identification plate; warranty sticker and registration card. 21 Del.C. §6708(a) and (b).

14.1.204 Removal of warranty or certification stickers; vehicle identification plates; confidential vehicle identification numbers. 21 Del.C. §6709(a).

14.1.205 Unlawful possession of assigned titles, assigned registration cards, vehicle identification plates and warranty stickers. 21 Del.C. §6710(a).

14.1.206 Offenses [involving meat and poultry inspection including bribery or attempted bribery or assaulting or impeding any person in the performance of his duties] (felony) 3 Del.C. §871

14.1.207 Fraudulent Written Statements 3 Del.C. §10049

14.1.208 Fraudulent Certificate of Registration or Eligibility Documents 3 Del.C. §10050

14.1.209 Prohibited trade practices against infirm or elderly] 6 Del.C. §2581

14.1.210 Auto Repair Fraud victimizing the infirm or elderly 6 Del.C. §4909A

14.1.211 Possession or use of false weights. 6 Del.C. §5134

14.1.212 Violations of the Securities Act 6 Del.C. §7322

14.1.213 Unauthorized Acts against a Service Guide or Seeing Eye Dog 7 Del.C. §1717

14.1.214 Interception of Communications Generally; Divulging Contents of Communications 11 Del.C. §2402

14.1.215 Manufacture, Possession or Sale of Intercepting Device. 11 Del.C.§2403

14.1.216 Breaking and Entering, Etc. to Place or Remove Equipment 11 Del.C. §2410

14.1.217 Obstruction, Impediment or Prevention of Interception. 11 Del.C. §2412

14.1.218 Obtaining, Altering or Preventing Authorized Access. 11 Del.C. §2421

14.1.219 Divulging Contents of Communications. 11 Del.C. §2422

14.1.220 Installation and Use Generally [of pen trace and trap and trace devices]. 11 Del.C. §2431

14.1.221 Aggravated Act of Intimidation. 11 Del.C. §3533

14.1.223 Attempt to Intimidate. 11 Del.C. §3534

14.1.224 Disclosure of Expunged Records. 11 Del.C. §4374

14.1.225 Violation of reporting provisions re: SBI. 11 Del.C. §8523

14.1.226 Failure of child-care provider to obtain information required under §8561 or for those providing false information. 11 Del.C. §8562

14.1.227 Providing false information when seeking employment in a public school. 11 Del.C. §8572

14.1.228 Filing False Claim [under Victims’ Compensation Fund]. 11 Del.C. §9016

14.1.229 Alteration, Theft or Destruction of Will. 12 Del.C. §210

14.1.230 Violation of reporting requirements involving abuse under §903. 16 Del.C. §914

14.1.231 Coercion or intimidation involving health-care decisions and falsification, destruction of a document to create a false impression that measures to prolong life have been authorized. 16 Del.C. §2513(a) and (b).

14.1.232 Violations related to the sale, purchase, receipt, possession, transportation, use, safety and control of explosive materials other than 16 Del.C. §7103. 16 Del.C. §7112

14.1.233 Operation of a Vessel or Boat while under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor and/or Drugs 23 Del.C. §2302 (3) and (4)

14.1.234 License Requirements. 24 Del.C. §901

14.1.235 Sale to Persons under 21 or Intoxicated Persons. 24 Del.C. §903

14.1.236 Failure to make Reports of Persons who are Subject to Loss of Consciousness 24 Del.C. §1763

14.1.237 [Interference] Relating to the Blind and “Seeing Eye Dogs” 31 Del.C. §2117

14.1.238 Abuse, neglect, exploitation or mistreatment of infirm adult. 31 Del.C. §3913(a), (b) and (c).

14.2 Crimes substantially related to the practice of optometry shall be deemed to include any crimes under any federal law, state law, or valid town, city or county ordinance, that are substantially similar to the crimes identified in this rule.

*Please Note: As the rest of the sections were not amended they are not being published. A complete set of the rules and regulations for the Board of Optometry is available at:
